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Intermundia United Kingdom


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    Intermundia is a duo of epic music and film composers based between London and Bologna made up of Edoardo Romussi and Luca Montorsi. We are specialised in composing hybrid orchestral music, a blend of powerful electronic sounds with emotional orchestral elements. We aim to convert every little nuance of the astonishing universe we live in into music, translating what’s physical and detached by nature into something abstract and emotionally perceivable. We create concept albums in order to lead the listener through a metaphysical journey towards a specific topic. We dare to dream of a world where film music is not just a complement to what’s happening on the screen, but rather plays a key role in the storytelling process… Because we believe that what we hear brings us much closer to the deepness of what we feel, well beyond the shallowness of what we see.
