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Wrash Heed Nigeria


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    Rasheed Adeniyi Osanyinpeju aka Wrash Heed has explored a variety of genres and vocal techniques to create his unique sound and writing style. His first venture was on the rap scene, but after two years as a rapper, he found his niche as a vocalist. Since then he has continued to develop his singing, Volta Music Group were quick to snap up this artist for development and encouragement after discovering the versatile singer. Wrash Heed has his main following in Nigeria, with a few successful singles/videos to his name and willing listeners in all regions of the world. Charming lyrics and a killer vocal are enough to melt anyone's heart, and the stunning ideas and well-shot videos present Wrash Heed’s image in a way that lets the audience know that they are witnessing a star. As a singer and songwriter on his tracks, Wrash Heed is intent on expressing himself and feelings through his music. From a young age, he used lyrics to communicate and this inspired him to move forward in his music career. Wrash Heed is modest about his achievements; he sees himself as a work in progress with a long way to go from here. He has big dreams and with his determination and talent, he is sure to achieve them.


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