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Speedranch and Jansky Noise


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    Paul Richard aka Speedranch has been experimenting with breaks, noise, illbient and sonics for well over a decade. His past is peppered with punk, noise, doom, stoner rock, glam rock, ambient, Kiss and much, much more. He has developed creative releationships with some of the most respected punk and new metal bands – The Hardons, Old Lady Driver, Isis, The Clash, etc. Jansky Noise is 29 year old Andy MacGregor from Manchester. At the tender age of 13 Jansky Noise became a DJ in his hometown Manchester playing the techno circuit with household name DJs. He quickly realised that DJing was restrictive and being a minimalist moved onto the studio where he developed a more advanced aesthetic in which hundreds of digitally recorded instrumentals and performances could be combined in multiple layers.


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