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Death Bells United States


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    There’s something unmistakably grand about Death Bells. Many contemporary bands have incorporated sonic elements of the ‘80s into their sound, but few have managed to capture the sheer scope and allure of that era like Death Bells with their brand of searing post-punk and shimmering dream pop. The band started in 2014 with Will Canning (vocals) and Maurice Santiago (bass), both frequenters of the Sydney punk and hardcore scene, who shared a common goal and drive for a more refined project. Rounding out their lineup with Aron Postolovic (guitar), Remy Veselis (guitar), David Gauci (keyboards), and Sam Shepherd (drums), Death Bells quickly began to make a name for themselves. Along the way Canning and Santiago’s determination led to the creation of their own label, Burning Rose. As Canning puts it, “It started as an avenue to legitimise the band, but after we went to the U.S. we realised what we could really do. It snowballed into a platform for artists and musicians within our community.” In 2017, Burning Rose and Funeral Party released Death Bells' debut full-length, 'Standing at the Edge of the World'. The album is a kinetic collection of reverb-drenched leads and cavernous drums that provide the perfect setting for Canning's distinctive baritone and brooding romanticism.


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