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Rapsmosfieryk Canada


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    About I was born in British Columbia, April 30th mid-1980’s. Our family moved into house in Calgary on my fourth birthday where I was raised along with my elder sister and two younger siblings who are fraternal (dizygotic) twins We lived under the care of our loving father until Oct 30th, 1992, at which point, at the tender age of seven, my siblings an I were all apprehended, under false pretense, during school, and delivered in the back of a police car then forced to endure the harsh, loveless reality of life in social services growing up as a ward of the government, separately, in a plethora of foster homes, group homes, youth shelters, and, personally, the Calgary Young Offenders Center. Though my academic abilities far surpassed those that I observed in any of my peers, the intense grief I felt from being split up, apart from my family, coupled with the overwhelming emotional stressors of unmitigated sorrow and depression, proved overly excessive for the very nearly non-existent sufficiency of coping skills that a young boy of seven has to equip to his mental arsenal. Subsequently, this incessantly fuelled an inner rage which compelled me to act out angrily with erratic acts of violence. The longtime sufferage of dealing with emotional, physical, and sexual abuses inflicted during that time caused me to act out seeking attention, vindictively lashing out at a world I held responsible for the plight of my circumstances. These actions served to efficiently disrupt my formal education resulting in 6th grade being the last one that I completed officially on paper. I find it ironic that these abuses were all the things that social services accused my father of doing, but in actuality, the reality was, not one of the four of us had ever experienced abuse at all until we were taken from our father’s care. I find it coincidental that all of us went through the full range of those abuses at one point or another throughout life within government care. I find it laughable, that after a private investigator discovered improper practices had in fact transpired, resulted in the violation of each individual of my immediate family’s human rights on the whim of some bitch claiming that to in order to prevent the more serious unproven alleged crime, she could justify breaking the law, splitting apart a loving supportive family unit without any evidence that a crime had taken place, effectively obliterating 5 peoples lives with the short-end going to four impressionable children. That instead of reuniting my family when that private investigator presented these mistakes to the government and it came to the attention of government leaders at the time. At least they were kind enough to add insult to injury with a short apology letter in which it was acknowledged that laws had indeed been broken. Consequentially obstructing justice and in turn, resulting in the unfair judgment, and eventual unfair sentencing. It’s plainly tear-jerking hilarity that no compensation was given to anyone other than that letter, signed in ink by Stockwell Day and Ralph Klien, the last line of which stated, “We’re sorry for any inconvenience we may have caused you and your family!” and it was What a joke! LOL! Enough of that noise, I’m not trying to write the sad biography of shenanigans that has been my life in this short excerpt, (it’s a really long story) my aim, alternatively, is towards giving context as to my upbringing. So, anyways I started listening to hip-hop when I first heard Tupac on the radio and initiated writing lyrics at fourteen around the time I incarcerated. This suited me just fine, as the jail was better than staying in any of the youth shelters or with perverted foster families. Eventually I grew accustomed to the institutional routines aka “institutionalized”, but finding constructive ways to utilize those times to be ultimately productive in achieving my goals was my way of “sticking it to the man”, and I made the most out of what is widely considered to be “wasted” time. I felt that I related to hip-hop on personal, emotional, and experiential levels. It has remained my favorite genre throughout my lifetime’s entirety with strong suspicions it indubitably is fated to remain so. For which I’m truthfully much obliged. The overly ample frequency of my incarcerations timeframes culminated as an outcome of 64 months inside provincial institutions, which I spent focused on refining my lyrical and artistic abilities. I’ve since ceased to be habitually incarcerated, but I’ve never stopped writing the raps I love and I never gave up on art or anything else I was passionate about. Over time, with practice, and patience my skills have progressed the development of my craft and brought to fruition improvements, and growths relative to the exponentially superior present skillset I hold in my possession thusly birthing the generally true linguistic supremacy represented by the persona, Rapmosieryk. I have been informed by the public, that my lyricism, flow, creativity, voice suitable to the craft, and extensive vocabulary assist in articulating interestingly with originality. In addition, my intellect, life experience, and personality offer guarantees of effervescent uniqueness that is sure not to disappoint anyone craving individuality. These aspects are contemporaneously united, in creating “Rapmosfieryk”, unanimously promoting, if nothing else, exotic, intriguing, thought-provoking positive stimulation! .
