
Emnalóc Roland Bühlmann


    The titles for this album consist entirely of fantasy words. I like to invent words and then see if the word already exists somewhere in the world. For the bossa nova I even created a word in pseudo-Portuguese: "Sevamção"... "Emnalóc" is something like a musical journey. A journey with my special, pictorial (=eidetic) and autistic perception. Music expresses things that words never express. "Emnalóc" could be the longing for another place. In whose existence one believes as a hunch when you see a beautiful landscape, or dramatic cloud images, a lake with wind-whipped water, crowned with whitecaps, or the huge, shining full moon on a fresh morning. You wouldn't be surprised if you found elves, dwarfs or talking animals. C.S. Lewis once wrote: "If we find ourselves with a desire that nothing in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that we were made for another world." For this album, too, I was able to win top-class musicians again: Terl Bryant: drums (1-6, 8), Luca Calabrese: trumpet (2, 5, 8), David Cross: violin (4), Ondřej Glogar: carnyx (1), Angelo Lebrato: acoustic guitar (7). I play electric and bass guitars, aeon sustainer, Korg MS-20, Logic software synthesizer, branches, cooking pots, oil tank, udu, voice. I created the cover of the album with my own design based on a solid I modelled years ago. The project was financially supported by the Office for Culture and Sport of the Canton of Solothurn (SOKultur).